What is CoolSculpting?

May 20, 2019

Frustrated with stubborn pockets of fat? You are far from alone. Many people diet and exercise yet find themselves with certain problem areas that refuse to go away no matter what they do. That is why CoolSculpting® has become such a popular treatment. It is completely non-surgical yet highly-effective and has helped people all over finally get the body they have always wanted.

A Closer Look at CoolSculpting®

By now, there is a good chance you have heard of CoolSculpting®, or “fat freezing.” It is the process of lowering the temperature of targeted fat cells to the point that they crystallize, resulting in their death. Once this has occurred, the fat in these cells is released so that your body can naturally flush it out. Fat cells are neither repaired nor replaced, meaning you could achieve permanent improvements with CoolSculpting®!

After your treatment, you can immediately go back to your normal activities. Since CoolSculpting® is non-surgical, there is not a recovery period afterward. There is also no special preparation required before your appointment.

Results will develop gradually over time as your body works hard to eliminate fat. Many people see visible results just weeks after their treatment. Full improvements are typically seen in the months afterward. Although the eliminated fat cells will not come back, a healthy lifestyle is still required to ensure that a new problem area is not developed.

The CoolSculpting® Treatment Process

In the beginning, we will sit down and have a consultation, where we can discuss your goals for the treatment and determine how many sessions may be necessary. When the actual treatment starts, a special pad is placed on the target area. This pad acts as a barrier between your skin and the cooling panel. Rest assured that CoolSculpting® has been thoroughly studied and found to be both safe and effective.

When the device is turned on, you may initially feel slight tugging and/or a cold sensation. This quickly fades as the area becomes numb, and you can begin to relax.

Where is CoolSculpting® an Effective Treatment?

This treatment is a great option for many of the most common areas that people struggle with, including:

  • Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Thighs

Learn more about what CoolSculpting® in the NYC area can do and whether or not it is the right choice for you by reaching out to us at Simply.Aesthetics in Manasquan. We are always happy to answer any and all questions. Contact us today to book your consultation!

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