LaseMD Ultra

Conveniently located to serve Manasquan & Monmouth County.

We also serve Wall, Sea Girt, Spring Lake, Spring Lake Heights, Belmar, Bradley Beach, Brick, Point Pleasant, Tom’s River, Ocean Township, Long Branch, Freehold, and Colts Neck.

LaseMD Ultra by Lutronic


At Simply Aesthetics, we’re excited to introduce the LaseMD Ultra by Lutronic, a groundbreaking addition to our suite of anti-aging and skincare technologies. This advanced laser system is at the forefront of aesthetic innovation, offering unparalleled results in skin rejuvenation.

What LaseMD Ultra Does

The LaseMD Ultra is a game-changer in the realm of dermatological treatments. It excels in diminishing wrinkles, correcting pigmentation variations, and boosting collagen production, giving your skin a smoother, more youthful appearance. It’s the perfect solution for those seeking a non-surgical approach to achieving radiant skin.

How LaseMD Ultra Works

LaseMD Ultra is a gentle and effective non-ablative laser that works by targeting the water molecules in the skin. This versatile device can be customized to suit your needs. The LaseMD Ultra is perfect for light resurfacing or a deeper treatment to address sun spots and fine lines. The LaseMD Ultra is the perfect addition to your skincare arsenal.

Here are a few of the skin conditions that the LaseMD Ultra can help with:

  • Fine Lines
  • Poor Skin Texture
  • Décolleté Care
  • Age Spots
  • Sun Spots
  • Freckles
  • Actinic Keratoses
  • Mild to Moderate Sun Damage

Ideal Candidates for LaseMD Ultra Treatment

The LaseMD Ultra is ideal for clients with sun damage, age-related skin concerns, or uneven skin tones. It is also safe for all skin types! It’s important to consult with our specialists to determine if this treatment is right for you, especially if you have specific skin conditions or health considerations.

Pre-Procedure Instructions

Before your LaseMD Ultra session, we recommend avoiding direct sun exposure and certain medications that may sensitize your skin. Ensuring your skin is in its most natural state is crucial for optimal results.

What to Expect During a LaseMD Ultra Session

You might feel some heat and slight tingling as the laser passes over the skin. The number of passes and procedure time will depend on the depth of treatment, lasting anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes. For mild treatments, the discomfort is very minor. For more aggressive treatments, your technician may apply a numbing cream 30-45 minutes before the treatment to maximize your comfort.

Immediately following your treatment session, you may notice some redness with will lessen over the next day or so. You will be able to immediately resume your normal activities. 

Post-Procedure Care

Post-treatment care is the key to achieving the best outcomes. We will provide you with a personalized aftercare plan, including product recommendations and skincare tips to maintain and enhance your treatment results.

Cost and Financing Options

We believe in making our state-of-the-art treatments accessible. The cost of LaseMD Ultra treatments varies, and we offer flexible financing options to accommodate your budget.

Ready to experience the transformative power of the LaseMD Ultra by Lutronic? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover the path to your best skin. Call us at 732-528-2215 or book online.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes the LaseMD Ultra by Lutronic unique in skincare?
The LaseMD Ultra stands out for its precision and effectiveness. It utilizes cutting-edge technology to target multiple skin concerns with minimal discomfort, setting a new standard in non-invasive skin rejuvenation.
What can I expect during a treatment session?
Each session is a relaxing, comfortable experience. You’ll feel a gentle warming sensation as the laser works. A typical session lasts about 30 minutes, making it a perfect ‘lunchtime’ treatment with no downtime.
Is the treatment comfortable?
Absolutely! Comfort is a key aspect of the LaseMD Ultra experience. Our clients often describe the sensation as a mild, warm touch, ensuring a pleasant and stress-free treatment.
How many sessions for optimal results?
The number of sessions varies depending on individual skin goals. Most clients see significant improvements within 3-5 sessions, scheduled a few weeks apart. We’ll tailor a plan that’s perfect for you.
Is this treatment suitable for all skin types?
Yes, the LaseMD Ultra is versatile and safe for all skin types. It’s designed to address a wide range of skin concerns while being gentle enough for diverse skin tones and textures.
What are the potential side effects?
Side effects are minimal and typically include temporary redness or mild swelling. These usually subside within a few hours. Our team ensures the utmost care and safety during every treatment.
When will I see the results?
You may notice some immediate effects, but the most noticeable improvements appear after a few weeks as your skin naturally rejuvenates. The results are progressive and truly worth the wait!
Is there downtime after treatment?
One of the great benefits of the LaseMD Ultra is zero downtime. You can return to your daily activities immediately after the treatment, making it a convenient option for our busy clients.
How does it enhance collagen production?
The laser energy stimulates your skin’s natural healing process, which includes ramping up collagen production. This results in firmer, smoother, and more youthful-looking skin over time.
Can it be combined with other treatments?
Certainly! The LaseMD Ultra pairs well with many of our other treatments. During your consultation, we can discuss a comprehensive skincare plan that includes the LaseMD Ultra for optimal results.

About Simply.Aesthetics

Your premier destination for all your anti-aging and aesthetic needs. At Simply.Aesthetics, our mission is to provide you with the ultimate patient experience. We are passionate about improving the lives of our patients and transforming the way people feel about themselves. At Simply.Aesthetics, we aim to deliver the most effective and safest non-invasive anti-aging treatments to all seeking a more youthful and natural-looking appearance. We believe in the empowerment and confidence that comes from the transformation as we achieve your desired aesthetic goals together. We truly believe, BEAUTY IS OUR PRACTICE.


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