5 Reasons CoolSculpting in New Jersey May Be Right for You

November 6, 2017

While most people in New Jersey have heard of liposuction, not as many have heard of CoolSculpting®, which is an exciting alternative that may be right for many men and women wanting to get rid of excess fat. This treatment can be used to reduce fatty deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. Sometimes, no matter how many calories one cuts or how many miles one runs, a bit of fat in the lower abdomen and other areas remains. Discover five reasons CoolSculpting® in New Jersey could be perfect for you.

It Is Non-Invasive

Many people are turned off to the idea of liposuction because they do not want to have surgery. They may be scared of anesthesia or needles or may not want the excessive amount of downtime that they would experience if they chose surgery. CoolSculpting® does not require any anesthesia, and it certainly does not come with needles. Instead, the device is attached to the body part that needs to be treated, and the fat is treated with the device. Very low temperatures then freeze the fat cells, which are eventually eliminated through natural bodily processes.

It Is FDA-Approved

Not only is CoolSculpting® effective for eliminating fat cells, but it is also safe. It is actually the only fat-freezing option that has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The Results are Designed to Be Permanent

When fat cells are removed from the body via specialized freezing methods, they will never return. That is because the body is incapable of creating new fat cells. Of course, if one overeats or fails to work out as needed, the fat cells that remain become larger. If weight is gained following a CoolSculpting® treatment in New Jersey, it will most likely be more evenly distributed throughout the body rather than returning to the treated trouble area.

The Treatments are Fast

While a liposuction procedure can last a couple of hours and recovery takes weeks, CoolSculpting® typically takes just minutes to complete per location.

It Can Be Used in Multiple Areas

CoolSculpting® is most frequently used on the lower abdomen, but it can also be used on the love handles and thighs and in other areas!

CoolSculpting® in New Jersey can be a great way to reduce unwanted fat in areas that do not respond to the normal methods of diet and exercise. This procedure is fast, safe and effective and provides long-lasting results. Make an appointment at Simply.Aesthetics in Manasquan, NJ to learn more information about CoolSculpting®, including why it’s so popular in the NYC area and elsewhere. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

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