Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
As we get older, our body chemistry changes and we often develop deficiencies in our hormone balance. At first, we develop age-related symptoms, such as lower energy, weight gain, bloating, aches and pains, and mood changes. Determining the hormones that we are deficient in is discovered through careful blood, saliva, and urine evaluation. At our medical practice, we are trained to evaluate normal hormones and optimal hormone balance.
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement for Men & Women
Bio-identical hormones are structural, just like human hormones. Numerous research studies have proven that bio-identical replacement by a trained specialist is both safe and predictable. This is in stark contrast to synthetic hormones, horse estrogen, and synthetic progesterone, which do not have a structure comparable to human hormones and whose levels cannot be properly checked after being administered. Bio-identical hormones, on the other hand, respond as normal hormones and their levels are easily evaluated through our lab tests.
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement for Women
In 2002, the Women’s Health Initiative specifically looked at synthetic hormones and found that these combinations of Premarin® (horse estrogen) and Provera™ (synthetic progesterone) actually increase heart disease, breast cancer, and weight gain. It is well-known that natural estrogen decreases the risk of heart disease, and when properly balanced with natural progesterone, it does not increase the risk of breast cancer.
Hormonal imbalances are the genesis of many chronic health problems and, in some cases, increase your risk of serious disease. The symptoms often first appear in women in perimenopause or menopause, when estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone production start to diminish. Some of the signs of menopause or related hormonal issues in women include:
- Weight Gain
- Hot Flashes
- Night Sweats
- Mood Swings
- Depression
- Low Libido
- Insomnia
Testosterone for Men
The fact is men begin to lose their testosterone as early as 30 years old. I can tell you as a man and physician, that low energy, weight gain, and low libido are just the start. Testosterone has a lot of effects on your brain, memory, and competitive edge and that feeling of self-esteem starts to dissipate with your testosterone. The difficulty of losing weight, gaining muscle, and achy joints are related to low testosterone. You start becoming that “grumpy old man,’ irritable, mood becomes low and you just don’t have that drive and zest for life. It is not just getting old. It is a real condition that has a cure.
The great thing about being evaluated and receiving testosterone replacement is that it gives you energy, vigor, strength, libido and sexual performance benefits. It has also been proven to decrease the risk of heart disease, diabetes, weight gain, high cholesterol, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Today is the day. You can either continue to dwindle through life and suffer all the health problems like heart attack, diabetes, and cancer associated with low testosterone or make today the day you re-take your life and re-emerge.
Good News
The good news is that hormone losses and imbalances can be corrected. By using bio-identical hormones, women feel relief from the symptoms, and can effectively protect themselves against osteoporosis and heart disease. With supervised treatment, natural hormone replacement therapy can make women feel healthier and younger than they have in years.
Today is the day. You can either continue to dwindle through life and suffer all the health problems like heart attack, diabetes, and cancer associated with low testosterone or make today the day you re-take your life and re-emerge.